Events and News
The next step towards a project pipeline establishment has been made by TRANPAREA partners. A visit of representatives of the University of Warsaw, lead by the TRAPAREA Principle Investigator, Professor Tomasz Żylicz to Oslo has been supported by the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme. Problems of forest recreation consistent with the social demand have been constantly raised during implementation of TRANPAREA, however it lay out of its immediate scope. Therefore, University of Warsaw together with its Norwegian TRANPAREA counterpart, Institute of Transport Economics have returned to this issue during the meeting in Oslo on 2-4th November. The parties have discussed the idea, scope and methodology of the prospective forest recreation research project under acronym FORECREA as well as their strategy of project fundraising.
The presentation “Is International Co-Operation in Transboundary NPAs Governance Socially Desirable? Experimental Evidence” (in Belarusian) has been included into the panel session of the V Forum of Environmentalist NGOs of Belarus held in Raŭbičy near Minsk on 21-23rd July 2017. The issue of public goods optimal allocation appears to be one of the central for environmentalist grassroots organisations, yet rather still hardly realised by their activists to the full extent. Therefore, the intense discussion on public goods and commons followed the presentation. Besides, final declaration of the Forum expressed concern of its participants towards the ongoing mass logging in the Polish part of the Białowieża Forest.
The TRANPAREA findings have been reported at the Annual conference of the Brest regional branch of the APB-BirdLife Belarus (a non-governmental body representing the global partnership BirdLife international in the region comprising the Biełavieskaja Pušča National Park, Belarus) held on 24th December 2016 in the village of Mokraje in the National Park outskirts. The presentation „Are Transboundary Nature Protected Areas International Public Goods?” (in Belarusian) has been delivered in order to disseminate the projects results and conclusions among the local stakeholders, acting in the the project site vinicity. The presentation was followed by the lively discussion; numerous questions and feedback have effectually been received by the project team from the part of local conservationists.
TRANPAREA findings have been presented at the International scientific conference “Inteligentny i Trwały Rozwój Wyzwania Dla Teorii Ekonomii i Praktyki Gospodarczej”, held in Supraśl on 20-21st October 2016. Presentation under the title „Luckily, a Neighbour’s Cow is Dead .” Mutual Disutility from Bilateral Conservation Prospects for the Transboundary Protected Area in the Case of the Białowieża Forest (in Polish) has been delivered by Sviataslau Valasiuk to the participants of the Poland’s environmental economists’ forum. Paper under same title has been published in the special issue of Ekonomia i Środowisko journal comprising the conference materials.
Workshops in situ for transboundary NPAs stakeholders. The two site-specific events have been held to summarise the TRANPAREA results for the stakeholders of the sites under consideration:
- Fulufjellet Workshop, 2nd June 2016 in Särna (Sweden)
- Białowieża Workshop, 27th July 2016 in Warsaw
Representatives of the main stakeholders including state nature conservation authorities, top state forestry servicemen, National Parks’ officials, academicians, representatives of NGOs and journalists have been invited for participation. TRANPAREA Core Team members presented history, findings and implications of the research. Presentations have been followed by answers to questions and discussion.
The Workshop and the TRANPAREA project in general have been summarised by Tacciana Danilushkina on the portal GreenBelarus (in Russian).
Presentation under the title “Are Transboundary Nature Protected Areas International Public Goods?” based on TRANPAREA findings has been selected by the organisers of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) which was held in Zürich on 22-25th June 2016
TRANPAREA Academy writing workshop, scheduled within the project framework has been held in two stages. On the first stage, all the members of the project Core Team assembled in Warsaw on 20-21st April 2016. During the workshop, the participants summarised the previous remote discussion on the publishing strategy, presented, discussed the obtained results of data analyses; developed the draft list of contributions arising from TRANPAREA and started writing some papers’ outlines. The initial draft list of prospective publications has been developed.
The second stage of the Academic writing workshop has been held on 6-8th May 2016 in Budy village near Białowieża, Poland with participation of the Polish part of the Core Team. The workshop was dedicated to in- depth work upon drafts of certain publications. As a result of this event as well as consultations with the Core Team and external experts, the list of prospective publications with the targeted journals has been slightly reconsidered
TRANPAREA has been recommended by the National Centre for Research and Development for a mid-term evaluation conducted by COWI. Appropriate presentation has been delivered by Sviataslau Valasiuk of the Project Core Team at the Mid-term evaluation workshop on 8th December 2015 at the Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej in Warsaw
A representative of the TRANPAREA project core team has taken part in the NP Biełavieskaja Pušča management planning workshop. In accordance with the Belarusian law, the Management Plan for the
Participants of the workshop. Photo by Inesa Zienina
Repeated tender procedure 240/3/2015 "Provision of data on the preferences of the citizens of Poland, Norway, Sweden, Belarus regarding transboundary protected areas (of the Białowieża Forest and Fulufjellet/Fulufjället) by means of a sample survey carried out with the use of a programme tool" has been announced for the TRANPAREA project purposes on 16th June 2015. Tender documents are available at
specification of the essential contract terms (SIWZ)
description of the contract subject
agreement template
explanation No1
explanation No2
comparison of the offers (in Polish)
official notification on the tender procedure results (in Polish)
Two focus groups and over twenty in-depth interviews have been carried out on the basis of the draft questionnaire developed for the TRANPAREA main study in
Presentation of the two TRANPAREA core team members dr Marek Giergiczny and Sviataslau Valasiuk on the closely related topic has been delivered at the one of Poland’s biggest scientific conferences, dedicated to ecosystem services – “Świadczenia ekosystemów jako przedmiot badań transdyscyplinarnych” in Poznań, on 25-26th September 2014. The presentation reported meta-analyses of European forest recreation valuation studies and it can be downloaded HERE. Link to full text of the article, published in the “Economia i Środowisko” journal is available in the Materials section.
With the purpose to strengthen the project capacity, a core team member from WOEE has been sent over to take part at the course on state-of-the-art modelling in stated preferences valuation. Sviataslau Valasiuk has been granted an opportunity of participation in the annual stated preferences modelling course, held at the Department of Forest Economics of the
Sviataslau Valasiuk of TRANPAREA among the course students. Photo by Oben Bayrak
The presentation of TRANPAREA has been delivered at the Core Programme Kick-off Conference, held by NCBiR on 23rd April
A picture paints a thousand words – this has been the motto for the three TRANPAREA core team members from the WOEE who have taken part in the fieldtrip to Fulufje/ället on 11-13th April 2014. Definitely, Fulufje/ället is less known across the general public as compared with the
Njupeskär waterfall has still been frozen in the mid-April. Photo by Mikołaj Czajkowski
A short reconnaissance in the Fulufjället NP has been made by the trail from Naturum to Njupeskär waterfalls. Besides the field excursion, during their fieldtrip the participants: dr Marek Giergiczny, dr hab. Mikołaj Czajkowski and Sviataslau Valasiuk informed Mr.Eduardo Zuñiga from Fulufjället NP of Sweden about TRANPAREA and discussed details of the prospective survey scenario with him. The participants have observed forest ecosystems conditions inside and in the close surroundings of the Fulufjä/ellet National Parks including in the Lillådalens Natural Reserve of Sweden and Fregn NR of
Fore more pictures of Fulufje/ället please visit the Gallery.
Working Package 2, fully dedicated to interdisciplinary aspects includes the two case-specific Interdisciplinary Workshops which have been held during late November – early December
In accordance with the TRANPAREA project schedule, the Kick-off Meeting has been held in Białowieża National Park Headquarters on 13-15th September 2013. Members of the core project team from
Kick-Off Meeting participants in the Strict Reserve Area of Biaowieża PN. Photo by Askill Harkjerr Halse
For more photos please see Gallery.
Presentation of the TRANPAREA project idea and prospects has been delivered at the Workshop under the title “Knowledge production and learning for sustainable landscapes” which has been held by the The FORESTY-LANDSCAPE-SOCIETY research group on 5-6th September 2013 at the School of Forest Management of the Swedish University of Agriciltural Sciences (SLU) in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. It has been the first presentation of the TRANPAREA project for the concerned academic community. The slides are available here.